Drag superstar ShaSha is entering a new era, but the pieces of her past identity are something she never wants to forget. From small town boy to big city girl, this trans legend's journey has as much sparkle as her gowns have sequins. In an exclusive interview with Greasy Zine, ShaSha explores identity, growing up on the Rez, and her plans to take over the world.

Writing by Greasy Dart
Photos by Zuleyma Prado
The first time I met Shasha, she was standing behind a desk working coat check for an after-hours event in East Vancouver. The year was 2016, and she had only recently arrived in the city. I’ll never forget her white crystalized corset, larger than life wig, and a smile to match. I asked for her pronouns, to which she replied “Honey, I’m just ShaSha!” with a wink as she stamped my wrist without me paying. She seemed so glamorous and put together, but any diamond that sparkly usually has one hell of a story.
“I grew up on a reservation called Doig River First Nation in Treaty 8 Territory. It’s a rural farming community of about 100 people - we were the last stop on the road. The whole band list was only about 300 people, but most of them were off reserve in the towns surrounding us. I had never been off the Rez before turning 18.”
Although scenic, Shasha often felt trapped. Her escape became the books and CD’s that her mother would bring home. to give her something to focus her energy on.
“My mom was always blasting techno in our house and loved the arts. She made sure I knew there was more out there for me. When I was 13 she got me my first album - ‘The Fame’ by Gaga. I would make the busdriver play it on the bus when we were driving to school, and I would get all the kids to dance. He thought it was so funny! My mom always supported my art, that's where I got it from.”
Shasha recalls being the only openly queer person on her reservation, though it wasn’t much of a choice as she had noticeably feminine qualities for a young boy, to which her classmates and cousins often picked on her for. Growing up without any queer or trans people to look up to was extremely lonely.
“It got to a point where something clicked in me and I knew I had to escape. I had to do something. I’m not gonna be bullied anymore. I’m not going to be this person for people to take their anger out on. I’m still to this day working through the bullying. One thing me and my mom talked about before she passed away is forgiveness. She told me I can't move on from this trauma if I don't find a way to let it go. She didn't want it to hold me back in life, so I’m honoring her by working through it in therapy. ”
Without her own transportation and only one family car that was alway in use, the options for work were limited to what was in walking distance.
“The only job I could find was at the band office scrubbing toilets. I hated it, but I knew if I wanted to leave I would have to start collecting some coins. I saved as much as I could and bought a one way ticket. When I got off the plane I had $38 dollars in my bank account and I got straight to work. I went to hair school in 2016 - I loved that I got to be around queer people for the first time, so I didn’t care if I was sweeping floors, I just wanted a trade under my belt.”

Dress by Haus Zuk
Earrings by Lisa Beading
ShaSha’s skills quickly grew and she landed a job at one of Vancouver’s top hair salons, eventually going on to style wigs for Drag artists across Canada. The wigs she worked on looked too good on her not to wear out, and thus, her drag persona was born. Aspiring to perform, Shasha applied for jobs working coat check for queer events around the city, and would show up in face hoping to get on the setlist. One woman in particular noticed her persistence, and began to teach her the ins and outs of drag. This woman was the matriarch of Canadian bitch-track royalty, Quanna Styles. With Quanna’s help, Shasha’s looks elevated and she began to stand out even next to seasoned queens. There was a buzz in the scene about Quanna’s new drag daughter.
“There were so many incredible trans women I got introduced to early in my drag career. Most of them aren't with us anymore. These are the realities of trans bipoc life, that your friends around you get taken. My memories of them give me the strength to believe in myself. My girls were always unapologetic about living their truth. I do this for them, I want to live authentically for the girls who came before me. That’s why queer people, especially indigiqueers are so strong. We have had a lot to endure since colonization.”
Drag unlocked a life that Shasha had always wanted, a sisterhood among fellow queers with relatable struggles and an unspoken understanding. It also unlocked a feeling that she had never felt before - comfortability in her own skin.
“Coming into this community, I always felt the most authentic when I was in glam. I didn't want the feeling to go away. I hated going home and taking it off.”
Trans women have always carried queer spaces, but since Rupaul's Drag Race commercialized the artform, it started an extremely toxic dialog about who drag is for, and what category a performer must fit into.
“For a long time, I felt like being trans and performing had to be separate. I dont feel this way today. My everyday life is not performance, but when I am performing, you will KNOW I’m performing. People shouldn't need an explanation.”
Last year, Shasha decided that enough was enough, and with guidance from her community, began seeking hormone therapy.
“I was on a waitlist for about a year, and started hormones in April of 2024. With everything that led up to it, it felt like such a weight off my shoulders. I wish I started sooner, but everything happens for a reason. It takes a second to get used to your new levels, but now that I'm three months in I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I’m just so happy I’m doing something big for myself. Existing the way I did for so long, it feels like my life hadn’t started till now. I’m proud to be a two spirit trans human - that’s where I’m at.”

Dress by Ilona Verley
Hair by Shasha Wolfe
Giving herself the permission to live proudly has opened up doors beyond what she could have ever imagined for herself. She was featured in a jewelry campaign for Simons, headlined Vancouver pride on the Main Stage alongside Tommy Genesis, and was invited to walk in Toronto’s indigenous fashion week. She was most recently featured in a Snotty Nose Rez Kids music video alongside Canada’s Drag Race alumni Ilona Verley. The sky's the limit, and she’s only just getting started.
“Don’t ever give up on what your vision for your life is. Giving up is a disservice to your younger self that wanted to escape. That child was dreaming to have what I have now, so I remember to be grateful. No matter how bad you’re feeling now, you have to keep pushing. One day you will look back and be happy you stuck around. There were times when I didn’t want to continue on and keep fighting. You have to dig deep and find it. I’m at a place now in my art where I’m so glad that I did.